Thursday, April 17, 2014

best auto brands

Proliferation of these logo factories, they have collectively created a niche that is self-validating. If it is online and cheap and plentiful, it must therefore be redeeming. Certainly the cost is redeeming. Particularly for small businesses and start-ups-better to put your money into marketing than dumping too much into the logo. Well, unless you want to get known nationally or you need to pitch big clients. Then, you would look a little foolish with your logo-stration and the branding that would have to match it. Several years ago I made a logo for a small business that didn't have a lot of money, but they had a vision. They are successful now selling on and a suite of logos I designed helped to pave the way. Paying double, triple, quadruple the online logo factory price was an investment for them-an investment that paid off handsomely.

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